您现在的位置:广州迈驰包装设备有限公司 > 公司介绍 |
广州迈驰包装设备有限公司坐落在经济繁华的广州市,是专业从事全自动包装机、立式包装机、自动称量机、二次包装机、真空包装机、检测机械、灌装机械、自动装箱机等自动包装机械设备研发和生产的公司。先进的设计理念与专业的技术团队和优质的售后服务一直是迈驰企业的一大亮点,我们公司所生产的自动包装设备广泛应用于:食品、化工、医药、肥料、日用品、饲料、蔬菜等行业的颗粒、块状、片状、条状等塑料袋小包装、大包装、全自动流水线、全自动装箱、全自动码垛。 产品服务方面:专业的技术队伍和经验丰富的实战经验,能为客户提供产品开发、设计、制造、调试、培训 、售后等一条龙的优质服务。一旦承诺,决不失言! 技术合作方面:迈驰以“汇世界精工之精华,造就民族工业为己任”为理念,以真正解决客户之所需为前提,吸取并撑握国际先进自动包装的前沿科技。在经济全球化的今天,在科技就是~~生产力,效率就是利益的中国, 自动化的生产必将代替高成本人工,自动化的生产必将引领中国人工生产之大变革。 迈驰包装愿成为您值得信赖的朋友!您事业兴旺的助手!迈驰必定是您的首选。
Guangzhou mai chi packaging equipment co., LTD. Is located in the economic flourishing in guangzhou city, is a professional engaged in automatic packaging machine, vertical packaging machine, automatic weighing machine, secondary packaging machine, vacuum packaging machine, testing machine, filling machine, automatic stuffing machine, automatic packing machinery equipment research and development and production of the company. Advanced design concepts and professional technical team and excellent after-sales service has been a highlight of chi enterprise, our company the production of automatic packaging equipment widely used in: food, chemical industry, medicine, feed, fertilizer, daily necessities, vegetables and other industries of grain, small block, such as sheet, strip plastic bag packaging, packaging, packing and automatic assembly line, automatic, automatic palletizing. Product service: professional technical team and rich practical experience, can provide customers with product development, design, manufacturing, debugging, training, after-sales and other one-stop quality services. Once promised, never let slip! Technical cooperation: much to "collect the essence of the world seiko, make national industry as own duty" for the idea, on the premise of real address customer needs and to learn and grasp the forefront of international advanced automatic packaging technology. In the economic globalization today, in science and technology is the first productive force, efficiency is the interests of China, automation of production will replace the high cost of artificial, automation of production will lead Chinese artificial production of the big bang. We wish to be your reliable friend! Your successful assistant! Mike is definitely your first choice. 商铺网址:http://gzmarchi.cn.vooec.com |